UL Lafayette students attending class on campus are required to obtain proof and maintain records of the following vaccines under Louisiana Revised Statute 17:170 (as mandated by Act 10147 of 1990) for enrollment.
Online program students are not subject to immunization requirements unless they enroll in an on-campus course. Note: M.S. in Nursing students must comply in conjunction with on-campus requirements for this program.
If you are required to submit immunization documentation and are not in compliance, an immunization hold will be placed on your record. That hold will prevent you from registering for classes until you meet all 青青草视频 Immunization Compliance Requirements.
How to submit your immunization records >
Required Vaccinations & Screenings
Vaccine: Measles (Rubeola)
- Required for all students born in 1957 or after
- Must have documentation of two (2) doses
- Dose 1 given after the 1st birthday and dose 2 given at least one month after the first dose, in 1968, or later without gamma globulin.
The measles vaccine may be given as a combined MMR vaccine.
If you do not have a measles vaccine, you must provide:
- positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease) for each
OR - documentation of prior physician-diagnosed measles (Rueola disease).
Vaccine: Mumps
- Required for all students born in 1957 or after
- Must have documentation of mumps vaccine (1 dose)
The mumps vaccine may be given as a combined MMR vaccine.
If you do not have the mumps vaccine, you must provide:
- Documentation of immunity by a positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease), also called a serology test.
Vaccine: Rubella
- Required for all students born in 1957 or after
- Must have documentation of rubella vaccine (1 dose)
The rubella vaccine may be given as a combined MMR vaccine.
If you do not have the rubella vaccine, you must provide:
- Documentation of immunity by a positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease), also called a serology test.
Vaccine: Tetanus and Diptheria (Td) or Tetanus Toxoid Reduced Diptheria Acellular Pertussis (Tdap)
- Required for all individuals who have never received a primary series or who have not received a booster dose in the previous ten (10) years.
Vaccine: Meningitis, Meningococcal A, C, Y, W-135 conjugated vaccine
- Must have documentation of meningitis vaccine (1 dose) on or after the age of 16 for all students.
Screening: Tuberculosis (TB)
- All incoming students with classes on campus must complete a Tuberculosis risk questionnaire.
- Incoming students at high risk for TB infection, as indicated by answering "yes" to any of the screening questions, must undergo either skin or blood testing for TB infection.
Students who have completed the questionnaire and are determined to be at high risk for TB infection, as indicated by answering "yes" to any of the screening questions, are required to provide proof of a negative TB test (skin test also known as a PPD or blood test), completed within 12 months of entry to UL Lafayette. If students cannot complete the testing requirement for any reason, contact Student Health Services to request a temporary exemption.
Note: The Tuberculosis screening requirement cannot be waived.