Eleven faculty members completed the Course Design Practicum, a 10-week course that guides faculty through the development process of hybrid and online courses. The course culminates with each participant designing at least the first four weeks of a course, completing a mini-peer review of the 21 essential standards for another course, and participating in a sharing event of their most successful design element.
Those earning the ULearn Course Designer certification are listed below with the corresponding department for which each is a member:
鈥� David Bellar, Kinesiology
鈥� Keith Dorwick, English
鈥� Cary Heath, Economics and Finance
鈥� Joby John, Moody College of Business Administration
鈥� Sheri Lazare, English
鈥� Jennifer Lemoine, Nursing
鈥� Mary Luquette, Economics and Finance
鈥� Yuxin Ma, Curriculum and Instruction
鈥� Colleen Schwarz, Management
鈥� Elaine Taylor, Curriculum and Instruction
鈥� Doug Williams, Curriculum and Instruction