Meng-Ru (Lily) Shih

- Faculty
- Assistant Professor
- Graduate Coordinator
- 337-482-6540
- Clyde L. Rougeou Hall, Room 340
Meng-Ru (Lily) Shih is the graduate coordinator and the assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice.
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology, 2019
University of Texas at Dallas
Master of Arts in Criminology, 2012
Graduate School of Criminology, National Taipei University
Bachelor of Arts, 2007
Soochow University
Student Research/Collaboration
Her research interests focus on:
- Juvenile justice
- Immigration and crime
- Comparison studies
- Juvenile delinquency
- Immigration & crime
- Life-course criminology
- Quantitative research methods
- Substance abuse and rehabilitation
- Corrections and reentry
- Restorative justice
- Shih, M. R. (2022). Examining the Relationship between Direct Exposure to Violence and Delinquent Behavior across Different Immigrant Generations. Crime & Delinquency, 68(10), 1765–1793.
- Shih, M.R. (2020) Examining the Fear of Victimization among Taiwanese Inmates. Asian Journal of Criminology, 15, 219–236.
- Sheu, C.J.; Tsai, T.M.; Cheng, Y.S.; Lai, Y.L.; Yang, J. H.; Lin, Q. H.; Shih, M. R. (2015) Level-3 and Level-4 Soft Drugs Policy Evaluation and Prevention Study. National Development Council, Taipei City.
- Lin, Yusheng & Shih, Meng-Ru (2012). Over Response? Slow Response? The Initial Findings of Campus Bullying Report System. Crime Prevention and Innovation Technology through Academic Perspective Council. Central Police University, Taoyuan City.
Awards & Recognition
- 2023 Advance Faculty Grant
- 2023 Mentor of Leaf Award Recipient
- 2021 Asian Criminological Society Graduate Student Article Award